Data policies and repositories | Meet our open data policy in 5 steps

Data policies and repositories

How to meet the F1000 open data policy in 5 simple steps

F1000 has a progressive open data policy in place, which requires authors to share all data underpinning their research in an open format, together with details of any software used to process the results. 

It is essential that others can see the source data in order to be able to replicate the study and analyze the data, and in some circumstances, reuse it.

But, how do you make your data openly available?

Read on to uncover 5 essential steps to sharing your data openly, including:

  • Identifying and preparing your data for sharing
  • Depositing your data in a repository
  • Applying an open license
  • Writing a data availability statement
  • Citing your data


How to choose the best repository for your research data

Fill in the form below to determine the best repository for your research project. 

Why should you share your research data?

Boost the credibility of your research

Open data enables replication and validation of your research, which in turn boosts its credibility and robustness. By sharing your data openly, your entire research project becomes more transparent. 

Increase the visibility of your research

Increase the discoverability of your research by reciprocally linking your article and its related datasets. Plus, describing your data with rich, meaningful, machine-readable metadata makes it easy for humans and computers to find use.

Progress in your career

Researchers can receive increased credit and recognition by sharing their research data, which in turn may lead to increased opportunities for collaboration – even across disciplines. Additionally, one 2019 study suggests that open data can generate up to 25% more citations

Develop a better understanding of your field

Open data supports learning and enables a deeper, richer understanding of the research topic – this is particularly useful in teaching as students can interrogate raw research data for themselves. 


Where data is too large to be feasibly hosted by an F1000-approved repository, please include all necessary information required for a reader or reviewer to access the data alongside a description of this process in your data availability statement. 

We recommend authors strive to make their data as open as possible and as closed as necessary. However, we recognize that openly sharing data may not always be feasible due to ethical considerations or third-party restrictions. 

Datasets that contain personal data can often be shared by ensuring you have informed consent for data sharing, have applied appropriate anonymization techniques, and/or controlled access to the data. 

Where human data cannot be sufficiently de-identified to protect participant privacy, we recommend depositing the data into a controlled access repository if your ethical approval permits you to do so. 

If you cannot share the data in a repository, please include in your data availability statement: an explanation of the data protection concern; what, if anything, the relevant Institutional Review Board (IRB) or equivalent said about data sharing; and, where applicable, all necessary information required for a reader or reviewer to apply for access to the data and the conditions under which access will be granted. 

You may have used someone else’s data, such as an existing survey, as part of your research. 

To ensure that data creators receive credit for their data, you should cite any datasets you used in your article’s body and add them to your list of references and data availability statement.  

In cases where data has been obtained from a third party and restrictions apply to the availability of the data, the data availability statement must include additional elements. To begin with, you should provide all the necessary information required for a reader or reviewer to access the data by the same means as you, the author. Plus, you should include publicly available data that is representative of the analyzed data and can be used to apply the methodology described in your article. 

If data access is restricted for ethical or security reasons, please use your data availability statement to include a description of the restrictions on the data and all necessary information required for a reader or reviewer to apply for access. We also ask that you share the conditions under which access will be granted. 

If you are unable to share your data for any reason not included here, or have additional questions about data sharing, please let our Εditorial team know and they will be happy to advise. 

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How to choose the best repository for your research data